Walking In The Light Of Hope

A Special Dedication to my Mother “Susana Eiley”

who celebrated her 50th Birthday on June 23rd, 2008



Still here locked within a prison cell, I often sit alone going through the dusty pages of the volumes of my life; I try to brush away the dust to a shiny glimpse of what might have been revealed.  My thoughts resound within with, “what if and why didn’t I,” closely followed by echoes of reject and disappointments.  So I hope life is good, funny how time flies, I never expected to make it this far.  God knows I pray one day it will all be over.  Vivid thoughts that make me cry even though I know it won't help. So I pray and everything seems alright until the dark gloom of despair sets in and then the reality of my situation turns into screaming thoughts and feelings waiting to be dealt with. I quickly try to contain them and jolt them down in the black void of forgetfulness. So I put them into words, the clarity and truth that I perceive are most violent that come close to changing my life forever. Gathering the truth that torments me and spending my innocent days within four walls. I try to see beyond these barriers where everything seems beautiful and peaceful. People don't appreciate life like I did once when I had a life. Reminiscing on the good times, even missing on the bad times and life as a whole. I never knew such suffering existed, much less living through such perils. So I tell myself everything will be alright, but things remain the same, as anger and rage tries to consume my very soul, sometimes I don't recognize myself. I wonder what will become of me. Will I continue to pay with my life for somebody else's crime? I don't wish to be lost in memories, casted away drifting into a phantom abyss and forgotten, while a great lie is creating a world that has afflicted my dreams and realities. I am traveling in the way of those whose suffering knows no boundaries. I meet at the crossroads with destiny at the apex of my fears and I walk in the light of hope. In every dawn I listen, I observe and I try to teach, this is a cry on paper of who we are!!!

By Francis Eiley


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