The Wheel of Injustice


The wheel of injustice has caused my soul to erode, leaving my heart with a dark hole, a vortex within my soul, a struggle ensued of evil and good, be it may what it should, I let my conscience be my guide, let god hear my cry. I live life in a cage as I come of age my thought shaped by rage leaving me in a maze, while the years are paved by both faith and tears.  Excited, but just for a while as I wait reconcile trading with a smile, in this valley where angels fear to trend, I have no friend.  When will the nightmare cease, I find myself in the belly of the beast awaiting my release, literally and spiritually.  What to be, must be and be it, the truth is infinite.

Everyday I appreciate every breath I take no matter how desolate life is no mistake.  Here one learns how to differentiate the fake from the snake, adversaries, deadly enemies, this place a criminal elementary, animalization is another name for penitentiary, you can’t incarnate poverty, the back lash of greed.  All I see in this prison cell in on creed, one need and that is for someone to lead , right or wrong still no solution for the same situation that become a cycle created by the devil’s disciples.  The dead are ample, should serve as an example, but still my people stumble overcome by the struggle all this trouble, the decay of humanity no compass of morality, short span of mortality, The end of civil way’s a new age society with medieval atrocities, where the only thing biblical are the causalities, a blood lost intoxication has engulfed our nation the outcome analization of the young generation.


By Francis Eiley

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